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Professorship of English Studies and Anglophone Literatures – Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt

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Team > Albert Kamga

Albert Kamga Albert Kamga
Albert Kamga

Faculty of Languages & Literatures
English Studies and Anglophone Literatures

Short CV

BA Bilingual Studies (French and English)

MA English Literary and Cultural Studies

Title of M.A. Dissertation: The Transformations and Functions of Shakespeare's Dramatic Materials in Bernard Shaw's Dramatic Criticisms and Plays

Born on December 03rd 1987 in the economical capital of Cameroon Douala,  Albert did his primary school education at Max Private School "La Bergere", then pursued his High School education with the Canadian Catholic Congregation " The Brothers of the Sacred Heart " where he successfully spent 07 Spears and passed bis General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level "before proceeding to the University of Douala. His encounter with Germany provoked in him the desire to address contemporary issues such as Gender and Sexuality, or  racism just to name these. Interesting enough to Albert 's ambition was to conceptualize such issues from an interdisciplinary approach. We then unterstand his choice for writing  his PhD thesis on comparing queerness in the West and in Africa. This appears really challenging as Albert is trying to demonstrate bis ability to handle within a Single work contemporary Cultural Theories from diverse origins and fields, but he is trying to deal with the complexity and opacity of intersectionality.

Albert Kamga

Faculty of Languages & Literatures
English Studies and Anglophone Literatures

Albert is doing a comparative analysis of Queerness in the West and in Africa. He focuses on the following countries: Cameroon, France and the UK. Albert dives into contemporary Literary approaches like Gender and Queer theory, Intersectionality, narrarology,  deconstruction. He is going to ptove the alliance of these approaches which their propounders probably never thought of. Adding to that,  Albert is going to prove the applicability of this synthesis for reading both the  novels and movies he will have selected. Through his PhD Dissertation,  Albert is trying to bring into the field of Literary and Cultural Studies a theoretical and methodological contribution, an analytical contribution too.

Albert Kamga

Faculty of Languages & Literatures
English Studies and Anglophone Literatures

Albert Kamga
PhD candidate

Phone: +49 (0)176 / 22745136
E-mail: kamg_a@yahoo.fr

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Susan Arndt

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